Jul 14, 2010

State of Design Festival

Premier's Design Awards - Melbourne Recital Centre and MTC Theatre from State of Design on Vimeo.

The State of Design Festival begins today!

The Melbourne Recital Centre and MTC Theatre are shortlisted for the Premier's Design Awards, one of the four programs during the festival.

The festival increases the awareness of the value of design and showcases how design generates innovation, promotes sustainability and adds value to business and society.

Festival programs demonstrate and broadly communicate how the Victorian and Australian design profession can improve living conditions, create sustainable development opportunities, and generate new and innovative products and services; in turn, providing economic benefit for the state of Victoria.

By communicating to Victorian, Australian and international audiences, the Festival promotes a deeper understanding of design capability and value.

The 2010 State of Design Festival will take place from 14 – 25 July throughout metropolitan Melbourne, and regional centres around Victoria.